Ngayogjazz : The greatest annual folk jazz

November 19, 2022

After a long pause during the pandemic, NGAYOGJAZZ is back!
Ngayogjazz is the biggest annual jazz event that is unique, combining local and international jazz in different places (mostly in rural / village).

It was all started in 2007 as a small jazz event called ‘Jazz Mben Senen’ (Jazz on Mondays) held in the premise of infamous national artist Bagong Kussudiardja. Several jazz singers and performers regularly joined like Trie Utami, Syaharani, Viky Sianipar, and Iga Mawarni. Then in 2009, some foreign musicians joined in like Harri Stojka and Claudius Jelinek from Austria along with Albert Yap and Basgroove 100 from Malaysia.

Now with the tittle “Kena Jazz-é, Tetep Bening Banyuné” (Got the jazz, water stay clear)  will be held on Saturday, 19 November 2022, in Cibuk Kidul, Margoluwih, Seyegan, Sleman, DIY.

This is FREE!



Start: November 19, 2022
End: November 19, 2022
Cibuk Kidul, Margoluwih, Seyegan, Sleman


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